Lea​ding Provider
of Quality Labortory Testing

 Number #1
Enviromental Consultants

Acceredited Laboratory



Major Projects

One World Trade Center (9/11)

KAM swiftly responded to 9/11, monitoring airborne asbestos at Ground Zero and surrounding areas for years

Hurricane Sandy

KAM provided air monitoring services for NYC DDC during Hurricane Sandy cleanup, including at George Cromwell Center.

Verrazano-Narrows Bridge

KAM conducted air monitoring with specialized equipment during the 2012 Verrazano-Narrows Bridge rehabilitation.

Battery Tunnel

KAM performed air monitoring and analysis during an asbestos abatement project in NYC's Battery Tunnel

26 Federal Plaza

KAM provided air monitoring for airborne asbestos during major renovations at 26 Federal Plaza for the U.S. GSA in the late 1990s

NYC Municipal Building

KAM has conducted asbestos surveys and abatement monitoring during ongoing renovations at the NYC Municipal Building.